颂悦 是来自新加坡的酒店咨询服务品牌,中国办公室设于上海。颂悦可为广大宾客提供从酒店的建设到酒店经营管理各阶段的一站式专业咨询服务。公司团队在中国市场的精诚服务为公司赢得了良好口碑。 S O M: S: Service 服务/服侍 O: Opportunity 良机 M: Management 管理 公司服务内容具体包括以下部分: Available services include: 一、 酒店建筑技术服务 Technical Service for Hotel Construction 包括从酒店建筑设计到酒店室内设计各阶段的专业的技术顾问,以及酒店工程施工阶段的技术服务。通过严格的过程管控,大程度的策划理念得以贯穿实施,实现优化的设计、合理的投资结构、具价值的开发成果。颂悦善于大量导入生态、环保等核心理念,使项目个性更加突出,核心竞争力更强,投资收益更有。 The company provides professional technical consultancy through all stages from hotel construction design to hotel interior *******ration as well as technical services through hotel construction. Strict process management and control can best guarantee the implementation of the planning concept, achieve optimized design, most rational investment structure and most valuable development fruit. SOM is good at introducing *******logical, environmental etc core concepts to enable a project to feature emphasized characteristics, stronger core competitiveness and more secure investment yield. 二、 酒店设备及固定资产选购咨询服务 Consultancy Service for Hotel Fixed Furniture & Equipment Purchase 提供酒店内各类设备选型和采购的咨询服务。为您根据酒店定位等因素,量体裁身,提出合理的采购建议,帮助酒店业主实现成本低化 The company provides consultancy services for selecting and purchasing various equipments within hotel. In *******rdance with the location and other factors of your hotel, we will tailor rational purchase advice to minimize the cost for the hotel owner. 三、 酒店开业准备及经营管理咨询服务 Consultancy Service for Hotel Pre-Opening Preparation and Operation & Management 包括酒店开业筹备工作的咨询服务、酒店管理架构搭建和管理系统植入的咨询服务及酒店管理人才派驻,顾问小组现场指导等服务。通过给酒店业主提供专业化和高品质酒店管理咨询服务,帮助酒店业主获取大的投资回报。 The company provides consultancy services for hotel business-opening preparation, hotel management structure and management system implantation as well as services for *******rediting hotel senior management talents and providing onsite guidance of consultancy team etc. The company provides the hotel owner with professional and quality hospitality consultancy to help maximize the owner’s investment yield. 四、 提供酒店服务诊断和神秘访客/拜访服务 Hotel Service Diagnosis and Mystery Shop 颂悦为您提供一套全新的诊断式服务。通过“明察”、“暗访”等方式发现问题,从专业角度挖掘出问题本源,旨在帮助酒店业主或经营者分析酒店存在的实际问题,提出解决方案,并在需要时委派指导酒店进行整改。 SOM provides you with a set of brand-new professional diagnostic services. The company will find problems through surveys, investigations etc to work out reasons at root in an attempt to help the hotel owner and operator analyze existing problems and put forward solutions and timely send experts to guide the hotel renovation. 五、 酒店资料翻译服务 Translation Service for Hotel Materials 颂悦荟萃了拥有丰富酒店实践经验的专业的酒店翻译精英,为酒店行业提供专业的培训资料、宣传资料等翻译服务。 SOM has hotel translation elites with rich hotel experience to provide translation services for training materials, promotional materials and hotel articles. 六、 酒店品牌形象设计服务 Image Design Service for Hotel Brand 无论您是想将品牌打入市场,还是设计营销载体,或是重新塑造你的品牌形象,颂悦都将为您提供 一系列的创新服务。 SOM will provide you with a series of innovative services no matter you want to commercialize your brand, design marketing carrier or reshape your brand image. 七、 酒店室内设计服务 Hotel Interior Design Service 颂悦拥有一支强大的酒店室内设计团队,为酒店度身打造特有的亮丽风范。 SOM has a strong and experienced team of hotel interior design to give your hotel a unique charm.