GD&T培训 欧美几何尺寸与公差培训
GD&T Course Description
This course uses the strategy of giving the participants a thorough knowledge of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing by detailing critical information on the basics of GD&T, then providing lectures, realistic examples, discussions and applications problems on the more difficult principles of GD&T. It allows the participant the opportunity to learn and apply techniques in datum selection and tolerancing optimization. This approach will preserve functional product requirements, while taking into consideration manufacturing difficulties, introducing more producible tolerances, practical datum structures and pre-planning measurement methods. The lectures, discussions and applications problems presented not only give participants a thorough knowledge of the meaning of each geometric characteristic symbol, but also a perspective on how each symbol relates to the others for strengths and weaknesses, capabilities, advantages and disadvantages. Throughout this course the participants are constantly reminded of the most common errors, pitfalls and traps that any user can easily fall victim to and also how to avoid such problems. Do’s and Don'ts of proper tolerancing are reinforced in every segment of the course by showing how they apply to realistic assembly tolerancing conditions. It shows the best usage of all geometric characteristic symbols and datum structures. Inspection methods and quality assurance strategies are stressed to create an understanding of the theory of geometric tolerancing by creating a physical embodiment of that theory through proper inspection techniques, gage and fixture design and usage. A thorough discussion of the basics of GD&T principles is the basis for the first part of the course. Then the course escalates into more advanced techniques and principles that build on the participants’ gained knowledge in every segment of the course to that point. The goal of this course is not only to give the participants a comprehensive knowledge of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing techniques, but through the use of discussion and applications problems, the ability to apply these techniques to their product lines with a great deal of confidence.
Who should attend this course:
These courses are designed for personnel whose work requires them to either communicate, interpret or manufacture products through the use of engineering drawings and/or CAD models, such as (but not exclusive to): Design Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Production Engineers, Quality Engineers, Gage Designers, Estimators, Tool Designers, Inspectors, Drafters, Checkers, CAD 0perators, Machinists, Manufacturing Engineers, Recent Engineering/ Drafting Graduates, Managers, Concurrent Engineering Group Members.
Course target:
To robust design, optimize the production lines, reduce the cost, improve the quality and competitive level
1、Reduce the cost, usually 5% design invest, bring 70% cost of the production,
2、Realize 6 sigma design, improve the efficiency and productitivity,
3、Correctlycommunicate with customers and around workshops in best way,
5、Correctmeasurement plan and lower the risk of new production launching,
6、Accomplish the high value adding commodity, and better the competitive on global market
7、Master 3 kinds of assemblydesign principle,
8、Gauge design, go/no go guage, and functional gauge design,
9、Composite positional control frame and direct tolerance design,
10、Your current commodity as course examples,
2、Practical design exercise, team work exercise, and your production lines problem solving,
3、课程内容:Course briefing
章:GD&T几何公差介绍(GD&T Introduction)
第二章:GD&T 符号、术语、概念和规则(GD&T Symbols, Terms, Concepts & Rules)
第三章:基准设置与产品应用 Datum design and application
第四章:形状公差的控制及检测 Form control design and measurement
第五章:定向控制的控制及检测 0rientation control design and measurement
第六章:轮廓度控制的控制及检测 Profile control design and measurement
第七章:位置控制的控制及检测 Position control, Assembly design and measurement
第八章:跳动控制的控制及检测 Run out control design and measurement
(更详细课程内容请见附件。)Detail please referringthe following outline
〖培训内容〗Course 0utline
章:GD&T几何公差介绍(GD&T Introduction)
²开课前的练习 the beginning testing
²几何公差GD&T History
²传统尺寸公差同几何公差之间的比较Traditional Dimension Tolerancing
规则和概念(Rules and Concept)
o包容原则及欧美标准的区别 envelope rule and the difference between AE and IS0
o名义尺寸(Basic Dimension)
o实效边界条件(Virtual Condition)
o材料实体原则: MMC/LMC/RFS
o公差补偿(Bonus Tolerance)
o尺寸特征Features of Size (F0S)
第二章:GD&T 符号、术语、概念和规则(GD&T Symbols, Terms, Concepts & Rules)(1.5课时)
²GD&T的14个控制方式及符号,应用及各自应用目的 GD&T tolerance control methods, symbols and the utilization purpose.
²GD&T控制符号的标注方式 GD&T tolerance control in drawings
²GD&T的修正符号及应用目的 GD&T modification symbols and utilization purpose.
²GD&T公差控制框的解读语法规则 GD&T control frame grammar.
²选择基准特征原则Identify Datum Featuresrules
²联合基准轴Datum Axis from Coaxial Diameters
²孔阵基准Datum Axis from a Pattern of Holes
²基准3-2-1 规则Datum 3-2-1 Rule
²如何选择基准示例Identify Datum Features Example
第四章:形状公差(Form) 的控制及检测
²直线度检测Straightness Gage
²直线度应用Straightness Application
²直线度应用要点 the principle of Straightness utilization
²中心面平面度检测Center Plane Flatness Inspection
²中心面平面度应用Center Plane Flatness Application
²平面度应用的要点 The principle of flatness utilization
²圆度Circularity (Roundness)
²圆度测量Circularity Gage
²圆度应用Circularity Application
²圆柱度测量Cylindricity Gage
²圆柱度应用Cylindricity Application
第五章:定向控制(0rientation) 控制及检测
²垂直度和检测Perpendicularity & Gage
²垂直度应用Perpendicularity Application
²平行度和检测Surface Parallelism & Gage
²平行度应用Parallelism Application
²平行度的应用注意事项 The principle of parallelism utilization
²倾斜度和检测Surface Angularity & Gage
²倾斜度应用Angularity Application
²倾斜度的应用注意事项 The Principle of angularity utilization
²平行度和平面度的区别 The difference between parallelism and straightness
²面轮廓Profile of a Surface
²线轮廓Profile of a Line
²轮廓度应用Profile Application
²不连续面的廓度控制应用Composite Profile Controlling Pattern
²轮廓度阶梯面控制Profile Controlling 0ffset Surfaces – New 2009
²复合和组合轮廓度应用Composite Profile vsMul-Single Segment Profile
²轮廓度检测Profile Gage
²轮廓度的应用要点和注意事项 The principle of profile utilization
²位置度应用Position Application
²位置度应用(RFS/MMC/LMC)Position Application(RFS/MMC/LMC)
²GD&T 和尺寸公差的转换(组合公差控制框) GD&T and Size tolerance conversion for composite tolerance frame.
²投影公差带Projected Tolerance Zone
²组合公差控制框和独立公差控制框位置度比较Composite vs Multiple Single-Segment Position
²位置度检测Position Gage
²直接公差和间接公差 The direction tolerance and the non-direction tolerance
²装配原理 The design theory of assembly
²GD&T相关的三种装配设计及应用 GD&T and assembly design application
²匹配件的设计 The design of matching parts
²检具设计 The design of gauge
²螺纹孔在位置度中的应用 position and thread holes & pins
²尺寸公差到几何公差的转换 Dimension tolerance converts to GD&T
²阵特征的装配及检测检具 Pattern features and assemblydesign and the gauge design
²GD&T隐含的加工检测顺序 The implication sequence of manufacturingand inspection setups
²GD&T与在供应商质量管理的的应用 GD&T and quality improvement
²位置度的应用要点和注意事项 The principle of position utilization
²对称度的应用要点和注意事项 The principle of symmetry utilization
²同轴度的应用要点和注意事项 The principle of concentricityutilization
²几种能实现同轴线控制的比较:位置度,同轴度和跳动 The concentricity control methods comparisonof position, concentricity and runout
²跳动的基准建立Runoutdatums setup
²圆跳动应用及检测FIM Circular Runoututilization and inspection
²全跳动Total Runoututilization and inspection
²跳动应用意义Runout Application
²跳动总结Runout Summery
²建立基准轴心线Establishing Datum Axis
²同轴形体控制Coaxial Features Control
²轮廓度控制同轴形体Profile Controlling Coaxiality
²V型支架的应用检讨 V block’s problem
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