

教学课程:英语 性别: 男
所在学校: 教龄: 保密
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  • 老师课程
Born in the UK, Tom graduated from Coventry University and has been a successful English teacher ever since. As well as teaching Chinese students in the UK, Tom spent many years living in Spain where he taught English to a wide range of students, including people seeking to study abroad and people hoping to live and work in English-speaking countries. More recently, Tom has focused on teaching business English. He has taught employees of a number of leading Spanish companies, as well as teaching individuals and general business English classes. Tom’s wide range of experience makes him a valuable member of our teaching staff, with the ability to help students achieve their learning goals, whether academic, business-related, or personal. Tom encourages all his students to be the best they can, and his extensive knowledge of the English language, and how best to utilise it, guides his students to success.                                                             

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