

教学课程:英语 性别: 男
所在学校: 教龄: 保密
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Chris was born in London in the UK. He graduated from the University of Southampton with First Class Honours and completed a Masters degree at Durham University. An interest in other cultures led Chris to come to China in 2011 and become an English teacher. Helping students achieve their goals is of central importance for Chris, and what he enjoys most about teaching. Seeing his students succeed is a great motivation, and having seen his former students go overseas for further study, or gain success at work, Chris is eager to help others achieve similar results. Chris also enjoys communicating with his students and learning about their lives and Chinese culture in general. Whilst focusing on helping students to reach their immediate goals, Chris also encourages them to use English to talk about themselves and their lives, and to express opinions on different topics in discussions. The ability to do this is vital to speaking English well, and is also vital to interacting naturally with native English speakers. This aspect of English learning is often lacking in the Chinese education system, which provides a solid foundation to be built on.                                                              
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