董沛哲:澳大利亚HOLMESGLEN(霍姆斯格兰学院)商学院国际商务专业学士,巴黎大学高等商学院市场营销学硕士。巴黎AGEFOS PME公司英语授课老师,拥有多年英法、英英、中英授课经验。海外求学与工作11年,足迹遍布于澳洲,北美,波斯湾,欧洲等地。曾任国内知名教育集团国外考试部精英教师及教学管理工作,现任欧陆国际教育教学总监一职,负责整个教学管理工作。
Schiffier: Bachelor of International Commerce at Holmesglen Institute & Master of Practical Marketing at Université Paris. Rich and relevant experience acquired from 11 years' life abroad, Schiffier marks the most indisputable expertise in the field of Teaching & Tutoring. Flawless fluency in English , French & German, his footprints covered the Five Continents.
His relevant experience of teaching & tutoring includes: (the most remarkable talented teacher at AGEFOS; the elite teacher as well as the extinguished manager of the International Exam Department at one of the most honorable Educational Organizations in China; the Educational Director of Euroland International Education.