教学课程: 少儿英语
Hello, my name is Chris, I was originally born in Singapore as that is where my mother is from, but I have lived in England all of my life.As I have an Asian connection, I have always loved and appreciated Chinese culture, and as soon as I finished my Masters at university I did a CELTA and jumped on the plane to join the EF family. I love helping people out and challenging myself and I believe teaching my students and seeing them progress will fulfill both of these wants. 大家好,我是Chris。我出生在妈妈的家乡新加坡,但是一直生活在英国。由于我有亚洲的血统,我非常欣赏热爱中国的文化。当我完成了硕士学习,获得剑桥大学教师证书后,我便来到了EF大家庭。我喜欢帮助别人,挑战自己。我相信教育孩子,看着他们进步能同时满足我的这两个期许。
教学课程: 3-18岁青少儿英语
Hi! My name is Diane and I am from Port Elizabeth, South Africa. I have a teaching degree with a major in Foundation Phase education (elementary school). I am really passionate about teaching and having a positive classroom environment is very important to me. I believe that a teacher\\\'s role is not only to help students to grow academically, but also to help students with their personal and skills development. I have always wanted to travel the world, so when I graduated from university, I decided that China would be the perfect place to start. I\\\'m really excited to learn more about Nanjing and see as much of China as I can! I also hope to learn Mandarin while I am here. 大家好我叫Diane,我来自美丽的南非伊丽莎白港。我在大学主修基础阶段教育。我非常喜欢教小朋友并且建立一个非常活跃积极的课堂是非常重要。我坚信老师的角色不仅要帮助孩子学习到知识还要帮助孩子们发展综合技能。我一直想要环游世界,所以我在大学毕业以后来到了中国。我认为中国是一个非常好的开始。我非常开心能够感受中国文化,我也非常希望能够学习汉语。
教学课程: 少儿英语
Hello! My name is Daniel and l\'m from Ireland. I graduated from University College Cork with a degree in Commerce with Chinese Studies. During this course I had the opportunity to live in Shanghai for one year and this is when I fell in love with Chinese culture and its people. I have been teaching with EF Nanjing for the last 3 years and am currently Senior Teacher and I hope to keep moving up through the company. I hope to use all of the experience I have gained and my enthusiasm to help children become comfortable and confident with their use of the English language. 大家好!我叫Daniel,来自一个叫做爱尔兰的小岛。我毕业于爱尔兰考克大学,主修商务贸易,同时也兼修中国研究。也正是因为我所学习的专业,我有幸在上海学习和生活过一年。在这一年中,我爱上了中国文化,也爱上了这里的人。因此我希望用我的知识和经验,以及我的热情来帮助EF的孩子们更加愉快和自由地使用英语这门语言。我在南京EF三年了,我现在是外教。我希望能在这里有更好的发展。
教学课程: 3-18青少儿英语
Khal 外教 Hello, my name is Khal Webster. I have joined the school in February 2017, and I am looking forward progressing my career with EF. I am originally from Leicester in the UK, but I have lived in many places around the UK. I studied Earth Science at the University of Glasgow, with an exchange year at the University of Melbourne in Australia. I have previously worked in the waste recycling, water treatment and energy industries before I trained to be an English teacher in Liverpool.I have come to China with the aim of becoming a successful English teacher and I am proud to be working for EF. 大家好,我的名字是卡尔韦伯斯特。2017年二月份我加入了英孚,希望可以在EF深造我的职业生涯。我出生于英国的莱斯特,但是在英国的许多其他地方都生活过。在英国格拉斯哥大学我的专业是地球科学,同时在澳大利亚的墨尔本大学做了一年的交换生。在利物浦我接受职业训练成为了一名英语教师,在此之前,我的工作主要包含对废物的循环利用,治水以及能源工业。我带着成为一名成功的英语教师的目标来到中国,我很荣幸可以在英孚工作。
教学课程: 少儿英语
Hi, my name is Trent and I am from South Africa. I studied Labour Relations and Human Resources at the Nelson Mandela University before deciding to embark on a new journey to teach English here at EF. I am extremely excited and grateful to be joining the EF family, and I look forward to teaching the students English. I am happy to be in Nanjing and I am excited to explore what the city has to offer! 大家好,我叫Tent, 我来自南非。我在纳尔逊.曼德拉大学学习了劳动关系和人力资源,然后我决定开始一段新的旅程,在EF教英语。 我非常激动和感激能加入英孚大家庭,我很期待可以教学生们英语。我很高兴来到南京,我很兴奋能去探索这个城市!
教学课程: 3-18岁英语
I have been living in China now for almost nine years. During this time I have taught at EF, public schools, summer camps and a few other training institutes. Apart from my family, my proudest achievements in life have been watching students grow into better people. One of the best feelings is watching my old students get into universities such as Beijing Normal University, Harvard, UBC, Hong Kong University, among others. 我是Daniel,在中国生活已经9年了。在此期间,我在EF任教之前,也曾任教于其他培训学校,夏令营和公立学校。除了我的家人,我 大的成就来自于看着我的学生成长为更的人。我感受深的是当我的学生在我的教导下,成功走进比如北京大学,哈佛,哥伦比亚大学和香港大学等,我为他们感到自豪!
教学课程: 3-18岁英语
My name is Joe, I am 28 years young. My passion is science but my trade is English (I have been practicing it for nearly 30 years)! Don\'t be scared of my beard or hair because I am very friendly, if you have any questions then just ask! I love sports, I love learning and I know I\'m going to love EF! 我叫Joe, 今天28岁。 我热衷于自然科学但是我还是选择了英语,因为我说了接近30年的英语。不要被我的大胡子吓着了,其实我很友好的。如果你有任何问题都可以问我。我喜欢体育, 我喜欢学习,而且我知道我将爱上EF。
Matthew Gray
教学课程: Hello!WelcomestudentsandparentstoEFWuhan5MynameisMatthewandIamaforeignteacherfr
Hello! Welcome students and parents to EF Wuhan 5. My name is Matthew, and I am a foreign teacher from America. I take pride in my job as a teacher by doing research into epistemological methodology. In my free time I enjoy learning skills such as computer programming, speaking Chinese, exercising, meditating, and playing instruments like the Djembe, Tuba, Guitar, and the piano. I look forward to meeting your children and teaching them English. 大家好!欢迎各位同学及家长来到武汉英孚第五校区。我叫Matthew,我来自美国,通过对认识论方法论的研究,我对我的教师工作感到自豪。我非常喜欢学习各种技术例如:电脑程序,说中文,运动,冥想与此同时我也很喜欢乐器,像非洲鼓、小号、吉他、钢琴。我很期待在英孚与孩子们快乐相处。
教学课程: 少儿英语
Hi! My name is Ben.I am from a town in England called Brentwood, which is near London. I studied a Bachelor of Science in Anthropology in Durham University, which is in the north of England. l have always loved the idea of learning more about different parts of the world, as well as the rewarding process of teaching to help others learn and grow. That\\\'s why working in EF feels perfect for me, as it allows me to combine my interest for the world with teaching and helping students learn and grow! 大家好,我的名字叫Ben。我来自英格兰一个叫布伦特伍德的小镇,它离伦敦很近。我曾在英国北部的杜伦大学攻读人类学学士学位。 我一直很喜欢学习更多关于世界不同地方的东西,以及在教学中帮助去别人学习和成长。这就是为什么让我感到在EF工作是完美的选择,因为它可以让我把对世界的兴趣与教学结合起来去帮助学生们学习和成长!
Benjamin Archer
教学课程: 少儿英语
Hello! I am from a relatively small town in England, called Manchester. I graduated from the University of Central Lancashire, and took my Teaching English as a Foreign Language course shortly after. I have always been desirous about teaching; and after visiting Wuhan and falling in love with the lifestyle and atmosphere I decided to come and teach at English First. I chose EF because of the high level of professionalism and the quality of teaching they offer, also the help and support they provide to the students, parents and the teachers made EF my number one choice when deciding which school to come to. In my spare time I enjoy reading and model-making. 大家好,我来自英国一个很小的叫曼侧斯特的地方。我毕业于英国知名的百年中央兰开夏大学,接着我辅修了教授ESL英语的课程。我对于教学一直都充满了渴望并且在来到武汉后爱上了这座城市的生活方式和氛围,所以我决定要到这里的EF当一名英语老师。我选择EF的原因是因为它所提供的英语教学是高专业度和高质量的。这同时样也是学生和家长在选择英语学校的时候 选EF的原因。在我的空余时间我喜欢阅读和制作模型。