
培训首页 英语口语培训学校 合肥沃尔得英语 老师
  • Mickey

    教学课程: 基础英语应用英语英语口语英语语法

    • Tutor of Chengdu Center, World International English Worked as an English trainer in Singapore for 3 years Fluent oral English with pure American accent Active, energetic and humorous teaching style 沃尔得国际英语成都中心学习顾问 曾在新加坡担任英语培训工作3年 流利口语,纯正美式发音 活跃幽默的教学风格

  • Jack

    教学课程: 基础英语应用英语英语口语英语单词英语语法

    • Position:  Tutor, Chengdu Center, World International English   English Level:  TEM-8, TEM-8 Oral Test, Cambridge Business English Level Vantage Career:  I was admitted to a multinational corporation Huaqiao Fenghuang in 2008. I, along with my colleagues, was sent to an East African country-Republic of Uganda-in 2009 to undertake the government project which is funded by Chinese government and an aid to Uganda. I did not work only as a translator, but also an assistant manager, coordinator and even a procurement officer. I spent 2 years in the country and I had refreshed my value of life. I experienced more than I have expected and I’m now still staying in touch with Ugandan friends. By the way, the Africa’s natural beauty is absolutely unforgettable and it is worth traveling to Africa. 职位:学习顾问 英文水平:专业八级、专业八级口语、剑桥商务英语中 工作经历: 2008年,我进入到一家跨国企业——华侨凤凰集团工作。我和同事们2009年被派往东非-乌干达-去执行中国援助乌干达的政府项目。在那边,我不只是一名翻译,同时也是项目经理助理、协调人和采购员。在乌干达我工作了2年,我的价值观焕然一新。我经历了超乎我想象的事情,现在依然和乌干达的朋友们保持着联络。需要说的是,非洲的自然之美是令人难以忘怀的,去非洲旅行一次,值!

  • Eliza

    教学课程: 雅思托福基础英语应用英语英语口语英语单词英语语法中学英语商务英语

    毕业院校:四川外国语大学( 工作经历: 深圳书城培训英语明星教师 美国GRUPPO生物技术有限公司中国办事处翻译 四川省重点中学英语教师 证书:CATTI全国翻译专业资格考试口译证书       教师资格证  


    教学课程: 雅思托福基础英语应用英语英语口语英语单词英语语法中学英语商务英语






