伊顿国际教育(Eton International Education),专注出国语言培训领域,因为专注所以专业!伊顿国际教育主要从事雅思,新托福,日语,韩语,SAT,GRE等出国类语言培训。团队主要成员均来自于出国语言培训领域,高层管理层从事该领域十余年,掌握出国留学趋势与动态,通过对国内出国语言培训行业深入研究,十多年来培训学员数以万计,从大量培训学员中总结出丰富的教学成果以及教学经验。伊顿引用国内先进的教学理念,高素质的师资队伍,教学团队由国内,海归精英以及国内专业英语院校师资组建,伊顿旨在为广大有志于出国深造的学员提供便捷有效的绿色通道。伊顿作为西区京华城商圈网红打卡点之一,深受年轻朋友的喜爱,青春偶像剧组曾选择伊顿作为拍摄点之一,优美舒适的环境聚集了年轻朋友来伊顿打卡留念。伊顿敞开怀抱,欢迎广大新老朋友常来伊顿做客。
Eton International Education, well-known for its professionalism, specializes in overseas language training, which includes IELTS, TOEFL-ibt, Japanese, Korean, SAT, GRE and etc. Eton faculty originate from the field of language training, and senior managers occupy an experience of over ten years and keep abreast of the latest developments in studying abroad. Through over a decade of studies in domestic language training, thousands of candidates have undergone training in Eton with the abundant teaching outcomes and experience accumulated. Eton combines the advanced teaching theory with the faculty of high standard, which consist of first-line teachers, overseas elites and domestic outstanding teachers, in order to provide a convenient, effective green channel for those who choose to further their study overseas.
Eton, located in the Western Jinghua Business District, is one of the internet-famous spots where youth idol TV series was shot and many youngsters take snapshots due to its beauty and comfort.
Warmly welcome new and old friends to Eton International Education.