教学课程: 半永久纹绣
伊姿美国际学院叶洪简介 —环球美业集团— 英文名:Ashley 中文名:叶洪 现任:广州伊姿美国际学院—席院长 重要经历: 2018亚洲美业大赛席 香港环球美业集团荣誉席 香港环球美业学院创始人 全国持久美妆造型美容协会评审 臻艾美形象设计中心创始人 环球美业百强纹绣考评点创始人 English name: Ashley Chinese name: Ye Hong Current: President, Yizi American International College, Guangzhou Important experience: Chairman of the 2018 Asian Fine Arts Competition Honorary Chairman of Hong Kong Universal Art Group Founder of Hong Kong Universal College of Fine Arts Evaluation of National Enduring Cosmetic Modeling and Beauty Association Founder of Aimei Images Design Center Founder of the Evaluation and Comment on the Top 100 Embroidery Teachers in Universal Art Industry 叶洪院长游学世界各地的时尚潮流圣地,进行国际间的美业高峰眉眼唇技术和时尚理念的学术交流,感悟着不同国度,不同区域,以及不同城市的各种美,综合各家美学就更能精准把握美的真谛,并挖掘创造出更具灵性的美! 2018年叶洪院长与众多国际(包括:欧洲,韩国,日本,美国,新加坡香港等)美业交流,潜心研究不同美学及技术之长,集美而成。 In 2018, President Ye Hongyou learns many fashion trends and holy places, carries on the study and exchange of eyebrow, eye and lip technology and fashion concepts in the international art summit forum, and realizes the beauty of people in different countries, regions and cities. The beauty is stateless. Witness all kinds of different beauty, we can grasp the true meaning of beauty more accurately, and find that we can create a more spiritual beauty! In 2018, President Ye Hong exchanged with many famous American professionals in Europe, Korea, Japan, the United States, Singapore, Hong Kong and so on. He devoted himself to the study of different aesthetic and technological strengths. (亚太地区各国美业代表人士) 2018年10月24日叶洪院长带领着伊姿美国际学院学员,参加了第二届亚洲美业大赛。次在国际邮轮上举办的国际性美容赛事,对于国际的美容行业和艺术交流极具影响力。 (伊姿美国际学员斩获国际大奖) 第一次有国际豪华邮轮出现在春晚的舞台上,它就是丽星邮轮的双子星号,而本次大赛便是在这艘巨轮上举办。 (第二届亚洲美业大赛“丽星邮轮双子星号”) 大赛秉承公平、公正的原则,立体化开放给业内参赛者公平竞争,本次美业大赛分为6大项目:彩妆类、美甲类、半永久纹绣类、美发类、美睫类,特别项目(皮肤管理类、美容类、类)是亚洲覆盖面广、高规格的国际美业赛事。本次大赛汇聚来自亚洲各个和地区的美业精英及行业大咖共同见证这一盛会。 伊姿美国际 学员大赛现场 更值得祝贺的是,伊姿美国际学院荣获第二届亚洲美业大赛大满贯,包揽2018第二届亚洲美业大赛冠、亚军! On October 24, 2018, President Ye Hong took part in the 2nd Asian Fine Arts Competition with the students of Yizi American International College. The first international beauty competition held on an international cruise ship has great influence on the international beauty industry and art exchange. For the first time in history, an international luxury cruise ship appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. It was the twin asterisk of the Star Cruise, and this competition was held on this huge ship. Adhering to the principle of fairness and fairness, the competition is open to all participants in the industry in a three-dimensional way. The competition is divided into six major items: cosmetics, nails, semi-permanent embroidery, hairdressing and eyelashes. Specially designated items (skin management, cosmetology, ) are the most extensive and highest-standard international beauty competitions in Asia. This contest brings together elites from all countries and regions in Asia to witness the grand event. More congratulations are that Yizi American International College won the 2nd Asian Fine Arts Competition Grand Slam and won the 2nd Asian Fine Arts Competition in 2018
教学课程: 纹绣
王飞: 1990出生于湖北武汉,2012年7月,参加第八届中国国际建康纹饰美容师技艺大赛,并获得本届大赛高奖项——半永久眉型,2014,担任第十届中国国际建康纹饰美容师技艺大赛的裁判,2015入选亚洲纹绣网十佳青年设计师。中国国际建康美容行业发展联合会成员、国际建康纹饰美容技艺大赛评委,第九届中国•国际纹饰化妆大赛季军,第八届中国•国际纹饰化妆大赛评委。 人物简介 王飞老师从事美容行业已有9年的时间,武汉发源地美容美发化妆艺术学院的出身,赋予了他深厚的美学功底,让他对美的认识,有着别于其他纹绣师的独特见解。王飞的造型设计、线条刻画和配色选择,都充满了艺术灵感,每一幅作品都是美的代称,是灵性气质的完美体现。人们形容他的纹绣作品是:将一个人心灵中美的东西刻画在脸上。 获得荣誉 王飞对技艺的追求从不曾中断过。从踏入纹绣行业就师从纹绣大师学习纹绣新技术,后来更是远赴韩国进修,参加纹绣师高端密训会。功夫不负有心人,2012年7月,王飞老师参加第八届中国国际建康纹饰美容师技艺大赛,并获得本届大赛高奖项——半永久眉型全能,雄鹰开始崭露头角。2014年,在纹绣行业已经拥有不小名气的王飞老师担任了第十届中国国际建康纹饰美容师技艺大赛的评委,第二年更是获得亚洲纹绣网十佳青年纹绣师。从全能到十佳青年,五年的时间让王老师从一个小有名气的新人成长为了纹绣大师、,对纹绣的热爱是支撑他走到人生的动力。
教学课程: 纹绣
晓云老师 纹绣师从事美容文绣行业10余年,深谙韩式文绣及炫饰文绣技法,有数千例文绣成功经验。擅长韩式文绣技法、各种开运眉的设计和操作、独创四季润唇法。 中文名 晓云 民族 汉 职业 纹绣师 人物简介 国际华人精英纹绣师 •美莱集团文绣技术培训老师、文绣顾问 •韩国FBS演艺界艺人文绣 •多次参加中韩整形海外研修 •深谙韩式文绣及炫饰文绣技法 •从事美容文绣行业10年; •多年主修色彩及形象设计,独创四季润唇及五行开运眉设计,能科学地根据八大季型及八大风格为你打造科学的持久美丽,获日本CCS体系形像顾问资格证。 特色项目 听语音 韩式文绣技法、四季润唇法 学术荣誉 Honor 曾任昆明PCD杯纹绣大赛评委 2010年获国际华人纹绣榜精英纹绣导师 2013年任中韩纹绣美容交流主讲老师之一 2013年任持久化妆艺术造型委员 2014年获第十届国际健康纹饰技艺大赛“佳创意设计”奖 2015年获日本CCS体系整体造型师证,形像顾问,色彩 动态 News 晓云老师:美莱纹绣,改变相貌,也改变运程 晓云老师说,眉是五官之一,眉的高低、形状及角度,蕴藏财、官、寿的意义,好的眉毛让人看起来精神奕奕,气质也会明显改变。影响相貌的还有唇形,由于个体、种族、肤色的原因,嘴唇形态颜色都各有差异,有些人还有不少缺陷。不过,通过纹绣可以解决眉毛和唇形的缺陷,达到开运、变美的效果,改变人生运势。 晓云老师谈到,纹绣的好处多多,可是众多爱美的人士别忘了选择一家靠谱的整形美容机构,否则好事变坏事。 比如香料,采用进口医用色料,自然逼真、清晰流畅,加上无菌、无痛操作,保证安全、;同时根据顾客的年龄、肤色、脸型、五官、性格等,纹绣师溶入整体美学理念,以提供合适的纹绣设计;纹绣后,还将有专门的跟踪服务,以及时跟进调整,确保效果佳。
教学课程: 纹绣
伊姿美国际学院费静雯简介—亚洲半永久纹绣传奇人物 英文名:Samantha 中文名:费静雯 现任:广州伊姿美国际学院—院长 重要经历: 香港环球美业学院荣誉院长 亚太地区造型导师 中国国际纹饰大赛裁判长 IFBC全国美业大赛中国区评审 全球持久造型艺术节裁判长 2015年金灯台届聚美大会理事 2017年英国CpI美业大赛中国区席 2018年荣获全国美业十大杰出纹绣定妆师 English name: Samantha Chinese Name: Fei Jingwen Current: Dean, Yizi American International College, Guangzhou Important experience: Honorary Dean of Hong Kong Universal Academy of Fine Arts Senior Modeling Teacher in Asia-Pacific Region Chief Judge of China International Decoration Competition Evaluation of IFBC National Aesthetic Competition in China Chief Judge of Global Permanent Plastic Arts Festival Director of the First Congress of the Golden Lampstand in 2015 President of China, British Cpi Beauty Competition 2017 Won the National Top Ten Outstanding Embroidery Makeup Master in 2018 2017年,环球美业总部委托费静雯到中国广州开展中国分部半永久教学技术支撑,国内分部地址:环球美业百强纹绣考评点—广州伊姿美国际学院,秉承中国态度的教学理念,院长全程亲自授课,同步亚洲各国前沿课程,先进的教学方法。时尚的设计理论,充分实现理论与实践相结合,帮助学员迅速掌握世界前沿半永久定妆技术。 In 2017, the headquarters of Universal Aesthetics entrusted Fei Jingwen to Guangzhou, China, to carry out semi-permanent teaching technology support. The only branch address in China is Guangzhou Yizi American International College, which is one of the top 100 embroidery teachers in Universal Aesthetics.image.png Adhering to the teaching concept of Chinese attitude, the Dean taught the whole course in person, synchronizing the advanced courses of Asian countries and advanced teaching methods. Fashion design theory, fully realize the combination of theory and practice, to help students quickly grasp the world\\\'s leading semi-permanent makeup technology. 2017年,院长费静雯从亚洲等带来新的半永久技术和课程,再次结合中国广州分部特有的教学质量,半永久教学和学术再次升华,2017年年均学员超5000+,是国内半永久学院学员多之一,让0基础的学员能真正更好的学会,也是国内教学质量,技术和口碑好的学院之一。 image.png且在2018年带领广州伊姿美国际学院学员赴日本参加国际半永久大比赛【亚洲美亚大赛】(Asian Beauty Contest )系由中国、缅甸、老挝、越南、泰国、韩国、新加坡、日本、菲律宾、马来西亚、蒙古、台湾(地区)、香港(地区)代表总计11个2个地区代表参与,美业职业公会中央会缔结合作协议举办的专业国际美容赛事,且半永久高奖项的冠亚军都由伊姿美国际学院学员夺取。 image.png In 2017, President Fei Jingwen brought the latest semi-permanent technology and curriculum from Asia and other countries, combined with the unique teaching quality of Guangzhou Branch of China, semi-permanent teaching and academic sublimation again. In 2017, image.pngthe average annual student number of semi-permanent college students exceeded 5000+, which is one of the largest in China. It enables the basic students to truly learn better, and it is also the best teaching quality, technology and reputation in China. One of the colleges. In 2018, Guangzhou Yizi American International College students were led to Japan to participate in the Asian Beauty Contest, image.pngwhich was attended by representatives of China, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Korea, Singapore, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Mongolia, Taiwan (region) and Hong Kong (region), image.pngrepresenting a total of 11 countries and 2 regions. The Central Committee of the American Professional Association has concluded a cooperative agreement to organize professional international beauty competitions, and the top semi-permanent awards are won by the students of Yizi American International College.
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