教学课程: 国际英语
龚雪松(Samuel GONG) 智赢国际英语研发 15年纵横业界、15载教育人生 自1997年初次踏上大学讲坛,随后罕见地以文学及法学双学士身份留校执教多年位列国内TOP10的学府华中科大,到15年后加盟新世界教育集团智赢国际英语,教学、教研双管齐下左右开弓的研发,Samuel老师完美地诠释了由大学讲师到国际英语培训精英的蜕变历程。 今天,他所涉猎的听说读写各种大大小小的课程可以列下长长的一串:雅思、托福、SAT、SSAT、PTE、GMAT、TOEIC、BULATS等等。 对于他自己,林林总总的各大出国留学考试只不过是个人英语真正能力的一种自然表现,正如当年新托福推出后,他全无准备即兴裸考,一蹴而就113分,距仅仅7分之差;而对于他所面对的每一个学员,极端的耐心、细心、责任心和高超的教学技巧相结合则意味着Aptitude + Attitude = Achievement,所以他的学员曾经仅靠总共9个小时的短短4天课程,在雅思中公认难取得突破的一项——写作——成功实现从5.5分跨越7分的奇迹。 卓越,有时只是一种习惯。
教学课程: 英语
Nick Stember毕业于美国波特兰州立大学,热爱中国文化的他早在大学阶段就来到中国学习中国文化,并教授中国学生英语口语。2010年他完成了网络知名漫画家聂峻的个人自传《找海》的全文英文翻译,为此受到McNair本科学生领导奖。 现在,Nick Stember在中国已经有5个年头了,一直教授和研究雅思和新托福的口语部分以及海外生存英语和学术英语。 2010年,Nick加入智赢国际英语,作为外教,认真负责并且幽默风趣的Nick受到了每一位学员的喜爱。他特别擅长教习惯用语并探索中美的文化差别。在工作之余,Nick喜欢看英文和中文小说以及通过美术把上海的日常生活记录下来。 Nick Stember holds a Bachelor's degree in Chinese from Portland State University. Having a strong interest in Chinese culture he came to China during his undergraduate years to study the language and culture of China and teach spoken English to Chinese students. In 2010 he completed a translation of the renowned underground manhua artist Nie Jun's autobiography _Searching for the Sea_ for which he received a McNair Scholars Undergraduate Leadership Award. As of today, Nick has over 5 years of experience in China researching the speaking sections of the IELTS and TOEFL exams in addition to the acquisition of both academic and everyday English fluency. In 2010 Nick joined SmartWin International English Shanghai as an English instructor where he is especially esteemed by his students for both his scrupulous responsibility and warm sense of humor. He is especially fond of teaching idiomatic expressions and exploring the cultural differences between China and the West. In his free time Nick enjoys reading novels in English and Chinese and documenting everyday life in Shanghai through art.
教学课程: 英语
Kelly老师是美籍华人,Kelly老师学生时代曾获得乔治布什总统颁发的总统奖(总统奖用于颁发给那些有着优异学习表现和突出贡献的美国学生,每年全美只有10个奖项名额)。之后Kelly以SAT I1600分(SAT改革前)及SAT 2三科800分的优异成绩进入普林斯顿大学,并取得了经济学以及应用数学双学士学位。 早在高中阶段,成绩优异的Kelly就帮助众多来自亚洲的学生提高托福和SAT考试经验,美籍华人的家庭背景也让Kelly老师对中国、美国文化都有着深刻的理解,并据此总结了一整套对亚洲学生特别是中国学生行之有效的学习方法。Kelly老师在2007年在美国成立了Kelly’s Review Institute, 为打算去美国接受高等教育的学生和成人提供优质考试辅导和录取咨询服务。 2009年,Kelly老师受David邀请回到中国并加入智赢国际英语,担任北美考试项目学术经理,Kelly老师把她和她的团队建立并在多年教学中被有效的TOEFL、SSAT、SAT、AP以及GRE、GMAT方面的成熟学术体系带入智赢,和智赢学术团队一起帮助众多学生取得了梦寐以求的优异考试成绩。 Kelly老师热情、乐观、勇于挑战的情绪感染着每一个与她共事的伙伴们,极强的个人魅力和学术风范也让Kelly在学生中获得了完美的认可。 Ms. Kelly Xinyi Zhang, American born Chinese who grew up in the state of Maine on the east coast of the United States. She holds two bachelor degrees from Princeton University: one in International Finance, and the other in Applied Mathematics. Kelly started tutoring local Asian students since high school. While in university, she taught SAT and TOEFL preparation courses and worked as TA in the Economic department. These teaching opportunities allowed her to realize her potentials in the educational sector. After graduation in 2009, she traveled to China and started her career in the educational industry. As a student, Kelly was always in the top 10 and won various awards include the U.S. President’s Award from President George W. Bush for students of excellence. She took 10 AP course and audited university courses during high school. She also got perfect score on the SAT I and SAT II subject exams. Personality-wise, Kelly is an enthusiastic person who thinks logically and positively. She loves to take challenges and always seek for excellence beyond the ordinary life style. Last to mention, her family background and the living experiences in China and United States enabled her to have a comprehensive understanding on both cultures which also helped her to better understand the needs of the students. Subject to Teach: IELTS all subjects, TOEFL all subjects, SSAT all subjects, SAT all subjects, SAT2 all subjects, AP(Calculus AB/BC, Economics Micro/Macro, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Psychology, U.S. History, World History) GRE GMAT
教学课程: 英语
Chrissy老师毕业于国内知名高校英语专业,大学期间作为交换生去澳大利亚学习一年,期间深度研究英语语言教学以及学习方法论,对于如何有效提员英语能力有着科学和有效的方法。 2006年Chrissy进入出国语言考试培训行业,在两年多的教学过程中,Chrissy建立了个人的教学风格并完善了个人教学方法,同时对雅思、新托福考试的持续深入研究及多次亲临考试让Chrissy在考试准备、考试技巧等方面有了独有的理解。 Chrissy在2008年加入了智赢国际英语这个充满活力的团队担任教学至今。拥有丰富教学经验的她,在帮助众多学生取得了理想的雅思及托福考试成绩同时,通过有效的教学方法和充满活力的教学方式,使她的学生能打破原有思维束缚,建立新的英语学习概念,并养成良好的英语学习习惯。 Chrissy graduated from a domestic well-known university. During the study at university, as an exchange student, Chrissy went to Australia for a year and studied on English language teaching and learning methodology in depth, which familiarized her with the scientific and effective way to enhance students' English ability. 2006 Chrissy entered overseas language test training industry. Within more than two years of front-line teaching process, Chrissy established personal teaching style and improved personal teaching methods. Continuing in-depth study of IELTS, TOEFL and many in-person examinations let Chrissy have a unique understanding in exam preparation, and examination techniques as well. In 2008, Chrissy joined the dynamic team in Smartwin International English Language as a teaching expert since. She has extensive teaching experience in helping many students achieve ideal IELTS and TOEFL scores. At the same time, effective teaching methods and dynamic teaching styles make her students break the original thinking bound to create a new English learning concepts, and develop good English study habits.
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