教学课程: 英语
Ben was born in the UK and has spent most of his life in London. With over 50 years of experience in various fields of business, Ben offers business English students the guidance and expertise they require to enter the world of international commerce. After training as an engineer, Ben reached a senior position with a major American engineering firm, overseeing projects in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Ben later set up his own business in the UK, and has successfully branched out into London’s lucrative property market and management consultancy. This background, as well as a professional and dedicated approach to teaching, gives Ben’s students the opportunity to sharpen their English skills in preparation for the cross-border communication that is central to today’s business negotiations and multi-national management. As the World’s accepted business language, English is essential for students looking to succeed in the commercial world, something which Ben can help them do. Ben出生在英国,并且一直生活在伦敦。在拥有超过50年经商经验的前提下,他提供给希望进入国际经济领域的英语学生指导意见。在完成工程师培训后,他进入了美国一家重要的工程企业,去欧洲、亚洲和非洲进行工程监理。在英国创建自己的公司后,他进入了伦敦一家利润丰厚的房地产市场和管理咨询公司。这些经历使他拥有专业的方法去教英语并且成为他能成为跨国经营公司管理者的重要前提,这些都使得他的学生们在跨国交流技巧上更尖锐。随着英语成为通用语言,他尽力帮助他的学生们在英语成为国际贸易必需品的道路上获得成功。
教学课程: 英语
Born in the UK, Tom graduated from Coventry University and has been a successful English teacher ever since. As well as teaching Chinese students in the UK, Tom spent many years living in Spain where he taught English to a wide range of students, including people seeking to study abroad and people hoping to live and work in English-speaking countries. More recently, Tom has focused on teaching business English. He has taught employees of a number of leading Spanish companies, as well as teaching individuals and general business English classes. Tom’s wide range of experience makes him a valuable member of our teaching staff, with the ability to help students achieve their learning goals, whether academic, business-related, or personal. Tom encourages all his students to be the best they can, and his extensive knowledge of the English language, and how best to utilise it, guides his students to success. Tom出生在英国,毕业于考文垂大学,并从那起成为一名成功的英语老师。虽然Tom在英国教中国学生英语,但是他有很长一段时间生活在西班牙从而广泛地教授英语,包括寻求出国学习和工作在英语为母语的过度的人们。他更多的是教授经济英语。他或者大班教学教了大量的西班牙公司的管理层员工经济英语。他雄厚的教学经验使得他成为我们中有价值的教学人员,无论学员是在校的或者是与经济相关的还是个人的,都能帮助他们完成学习目标。他运用自己广阔的知识面,引导学生尽他们所能去学习,并指导他们运用英语,从而使学生们获得成功。
教学课程: 英语
After graduating from Nanjing University, Clarissa travelled to the UK to complete a Masters degree at the prestigious Durham University, ranked among the top 10 universities in the UK. In 2011, Clarissa returned to Wuxi to begin her career as an English teacher. With experience of teaching IELTS, BEC, and TOEFL, Clarissa specialises in teaching Speaking, and is always popular among students who are motivated by her engaging and inventive teaching style. As well as imparting her wide knowledge of English in class, Clarissa encourages students to be confident and relaxed when speaking. This provides her students with a priceless language ability which will serve them throughout their lives. Clarissa has guided numerous students to further study abroad, using her own experience to make the sometimes difficult transition a positive experience. In addition to her excellent teaching, Clarissa’s extensive knowledge of the visa process, overseas accommodation, and many other aspects of life abroad, gives her students the assurance that they can achieve their goals. 从南京财经大学毕业后,Clarissa去了英国2011年0的杜伦大学完成了硕士学位,然后她回到无锡成为一名执教雅思、BEC和托福的英语教师。她在教授口语方面能力卓著,学生们经常被她独特的教学风格所吸引。在授课的同时,她鼓励学生们更轻松自在地练习口语,这在学生的人生中形成了极为重要的语言能力。通过她自身的经验,使得有时很困难的事变顺畅,从而引导了数名学生出国留学。在她的教学之外,她广阔的关于签证流程的知识、海外的适应能力以及海外的经历,都是她学生们能够获得成功的重要保证。
教学课程: 英语
Chris was born in London in the UK. He graduated from the University of Southampton with First Class Honours and completed a Masters degree at Durham University. An interest in other cultures led Chris to come to China in 2011 and become an English teacher. Helping students achieve their goals is of central importance for Chris, and what he enjoys most about teaching. Seeing his students succeed is a great motivation, and having seen his former students go overseas for further study, or gain success at work, Chris is eager to help others achieve similar results. Chris also enjoys communicating with his students and learning about their lives and Chinese culture in general. Whilst focusing on helping students to reach their immediate goals, Chris also encourages them to use English to talk about themselves and their lives, and to express opinions on different topics in discussions. The ability to do this is vital to speaking English well, and is also vital to interacting naturally with native English speakers. This aspect of English learning is often lacking in the Chinese education system, which provides a solid foundation to be built on. Chris出生在英国伦敦。他以一级荣誉学位毕业于南安普顿大学,并且在杜伦大学完成了硕士学位。源于对其他文化的兴趣,他2011年来到了中国并且成为一个英语老师。帮助学生达成目标是他的主要目标,并且他喜欢的就是教学。看到他的学生成功就是他的原动力。他乐于看到他以前的学生出国学习或在工作中获得成功,他期望看到别人有类似的成就。他还喜欢同他的学生们交流,并且从他们的生活上学习到广义上的中国文化。克里斯致力于帮助学生们达到他们的目标,他鼓励学生们在不同场合的对话中用英语叙述自己的生活和陈述自己的观点。这方面的能力主要是为了能说好英语和更好的和英语为母语的人们交流。这种英语学习模式在中国的学习体系中是相当缺乏的,这会提供一个固定的教育基础。
教学课程: 英语
Jan was born and grew up in London. As well as having a successful career as a civil servant, Jan was the co-founder of North London’s East Finchley School of English, an English language school which has an established reputation for offering excellent teaching in a friendly and stimulating environment. With experience of teaching herself, Jan provides her students with the language skills they need to take the next step in their careers. Jan enjoys working closely with students and learning about them and their lives, which makes the learning process fun and interesting as well as constructive. Jan’s background in public service, education management, and teaching, result in a wealth of knowledge and advice which she can pass on to students in order to make their involvement with western countries and English-speaking people successful and productive, whilst also equipping them with the language skills they need. 珍妮是来自英国伦敦的一位成功的公务员,也是伦敦北部一所名叫的East Finchley学校的创始人之一,该校以提供的教育和友好激进的环境而闻名。通过她自学的成果,提供给她的学生们业生涯中所需的语言学习技巧。珍妮喜欢亲近学生,并且从他们的生活中吸取经验,使得学生的学习更有成效、更有趣生动。珍妮除了提供公共服务,教学管理和任教外,还致力于给学生提供更好的知识,使他们更好地、有效地融入西方环境和英语使用人群,并且提供给他们所需的语言技巧。
教学课程: 英语
Gabriel graduated from Nanjing University and completed a Masters degree at the renowned University of Southampton in the UK, among the world’s top 100 universities and a founder member of the UK’s prestigious Russell Group of leading universities. After returning to the UK, Gabriel joined London Bridge and is an important member of our teaching staff. Gabriel is relaxed and easy to get on with. He enjoys socialising with all types of people and has many friends from various countries, including the UK, France, Italy, and Poland. Gabriel has a deep and comprehensive understanding of the English language and how to apply it in practical communication. He is eager to help students in all areas of their studies, particularly when they need advice with academic writing, group projects, and research methods. He can also offer guidance on living abroad due to his own experiences. Gabriel is a positive and friendly person whose motto is “live a happy life and bring happiness to everyone”. Gabriel毕业于南京大学,并且在世界前100的南安普顿大学完成了硕士学位(南安普顿大学是由英国驰名的罗素集团一位成员建立并领导的)。从英国回来以后,他来到伦敦桥成为我们中重要的一员。他能轻松自如地适应我们的教学,他有较强的社交能力并且有很多包括英国、法国、意大利和波兰的朋友们。Gabriel对英语有着广泛并且深入的了解,从而运用到了实际的交流中。他希望在学生的学习过程中帮助到他们,尤其是在学术报告、小组科研项目和研究方法等方面。他也可以从他的海外生活经历基础上提供给你海外的生活指导。Gabriel有着积极向上的生活态度,他的箴言是:快乐生活,快乐相伴!
教学课程: 英语
Although Amber does not have a degree in English, she loves the language so much that it is a personal interest of hers. She immerses herself in English at every possible opportunity, and therefore passed the TOEFL exam with full marks in listening, which reflects on her abilities and efforts. At London Bridge she hopes to spread her ideas and help you to fulfil your dreams. As the saying goes: we do not choose to be born; we do not choose our parents; but we do choose how we live our lives in our own unique way. 虽然Amber没有获得英语方面的学位,但是她热爱英语,这是她主要的兴趣爱好之一。她在可能的情况下都沉浸在英语的世界中,并因此听力通过了托福考试。在伦敦桥她希望帮助你完成你的梦想。正如有句谚语:我们不能选择出生,不能选择父母,但是我们可以选择我们所想要的生活方式。